R.E. Mistler, “Process Description for Covering Metal with a Laminated Ceramic Coating,” Materials in Design Engineering,” 52 (6) 1960.
R.E. Mistler, G.L. Ploetz, J.A. Smith, “Thermal Expansion of Polycrystalline Lanthanum and Neodymium Sesquioxides,”J. Am. Ceram.Soc.,46(11)561-2 (1963).
R.E. Mistler, A.T. Muccigrosso, F. Wiesinger, “Crush Strength Determination of Rounded Ceramic Particles,” Cer.Age, 80(2)36-41 (1964).
R.E. Mistler and R.L. Coble, “Microstructural Variation Due to Fabrication,” J.Am.Ceram.Soc., 51(4)237 (1968).
R.E. Mistler and R.L. Coble, “Comments on the Use of Log-Log Plots in Analyzing Grain Growth Data,” J.Am.Ceram.Soc., 51(8)472 (1968).
R.F. Gruszka, R.E. Mistler and R.B. Runk, “Effect of Various Surface Treatments on the Bend Strength of High Alumina Substrates,” B.Am.Ceram.Soc., 49(6) 575-9 (1970).
R.E. Mistler and R.L. Coble, “Rate Determining Species in Diffusion Controlled Processes in Al2O3,” J.Am.Ceram.Soc., 54(1) 60-1 (1971).
D.J. Shanefield and R.E. Mistler, “The Manufacture of Fine-Grained Alumina Substrates for Thin Films,” The Western Electric Engineer, 15(2) 26-31 (1971).
N.E. Leaver and R.E. Mistler, “A Gas Fired Roller Hearth Kiln for Fast Firing High Alumina Substrates,” B.Am.Ceram.Soc., 51(11) 845-6 (1972).
R.E. Mistler, “Grain Boundary Diffusion and Boundary Migration Kinetics in Aluminum Oxide, Sodium Chloride and Silver,” Sc.D. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, June, 1967.
R.E. Mistler, “High Strength Alumina Substrates Produced by a Multiple Layer Casting Technique,” B.Am.Ceram.Soc., 52(11) 850-4 (1973).
R.E. Mistler and R.L. Coble, “Grain Boundary Diffusion and Boundary Widths in Metals and Ceramics,” J.Appl.Phys., 45(4) 1507-9 (1974).
D.J. Shanefield and R.E. Mistler, “Fine Grained Alumina Substrates: I, The Manufacturing Process,” B.Am.Ceram.Soc., 53(5) 416-20 (1974).
R.E. Mistler, P.T. Morzenti and D.J. Shanefield, “Fine Grained Alumina Substrates: II, Properties,” B.Am.Ceram.Soc., 53(8) 564-8 (1974).
D.J. Shanefield and R.E. Mistler, “Filter for Ceramic Slips,” B.Am.Ceram.Soc., 55(2) 213 (1976).
R.E. Mistler, D.J. Shanefield and R.B. Runk, “Tape Casting of Ceramics,” in Ceramic Processing Before Firing, G.Y.Onoda, Jr. and L.L. Hench, eds., John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1978 pp 411-448.
R.E. Mistler and D.J. Shanefield, “Washing Ceramic Powders to Remove Sodium Salts,” J.Am.Ceram.Soc., 57(7) 689 (1978).
H.W. Stetson, R.E. Mistler and W.J. Gyurk, “A Theoretical Discussion of Surface Finish of Ceramic Substrates,” The International Journal for Hybrid Microelectronics, 6(1) 621 (1983).
R.E. Mistler, “Tape Casting: The Basic Process for Meeting the Needs of the Electronics Industry,” B.Am.Ceram.Soc., 69(6) 1022-26 (1990).
R.E. Mistler, “Tape Casting,” in Engineered Materials Handbook, Volume 4, Ceramics and Glasses, ASM International, 1991 pp 161-5.
R.E. Mistler, “Tape Casting Technology,”in Ceramic Technology International 1995, Ian Birkby, ed., 1995, pp 171-6.
R.E. Mistler, “The Principles of Tape Casting and Tape Casting Applications,” in Ceramic Processing, R.A. Terpstra, P.P.A.C. Pex, and A.H. DeVries, eds., Chapman& Hall, London, 1995, pp. 147-173.
R.E. Mistler and S.L. Masia, “Coated Paper for Use as a Casting Surface in Tape Processing,” in Ceramic Manufacturing Practices and Technologies, B. Hiremath, T. Gupta, and K.M. Nair, eds., Ceramic Transactions, Vol. 70, The American Ceramic Soc., 1996, pp. 157 – 166.
E.M Anderson, R.A. Marra, and R.E. Mistler, “Tape Casting Reactive Aluminas,” B. Am. Ceram. Soc., 76 (7) 45-50 (1997).
R.E. Mistler, V.K. Sikka, C.R. Scorey, J.E. McKernan, and M.R. Hajaligol, “Tape Casting as a Fabrication Process for Iron Aluminide (FeAl) Thin Sheets,” in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. A258, Iron Aluminides,: Alloy Design, Processing, Properties, and Applications, S.C. Deevi, D.G. Morris, J.H. Schneibel, and V.K. Sikka, eds. Elsevier, New York, 1998, pp. 258-65.
R.E. Mistler, “Tape Casting: A Historical Review, Current Status and Potential for the Future,” in Multilayer Electronic Ceramic Devices, J. Jean, T.K. Gupta, K.M. Nair, and K. Niwa, eds. Ceramic Transactions, Vol. 97, The American Ceramic Society, 1999, pp. 87-101.
E.R. Twiname and R.E. Mistler, “Tape Casting,” in Ceramic Innovations in the 20th Century, J.B. Wachtman, Jr., ed., The American Ceramic Society, 1999, pp.54-5.
R.E. Mistler and E.R. Twiname, Tape Casting: Theory and Practice, The American Ceramic Society, Westerville, OH, 2000.
R.E. Mistler and E.R. Twiname, “Two Stage Preparation of Tape Casting Slips,” in Electronic Ceramic Materials and Devices, K.M. Nair and A.S. Bhalla, eds., Ceramic Transactions, Vol. 106, The American Ceramic Society, 2000, pp. 415-23.
E.R. Twiname, G.L. Messing, and C.R. Randall, “Embedding a Passive Material Layer in Low Temperature Co-Fired Packaging,” Int. Journal of Microcircuits & Electronic Packaging, 24(2) 105-121 (2001).
E.R. Twiname, R.E. Mistler, “Tape Casting,” in The Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology, K.H.J. Buschow, R.W. Cahn, M.C. Flemings, B. Ilschner, E.J. Kramer, S. Mahajan eds., Elsevier Ltd., Oxford, 2001, Chapter 12.
E.R. Twiname, G.L. Messing, C.A. Randall, “Embedding a Passive Material Layer in Low-Temperature Cofired Packaging,” in Recent Developments in Electronic Materials and Devices, K.M. Nair, A.S. Bhalla, S.I. Hirano eds., Ceramic Transactions, Vol. 131, The American Ceramic Society, 2002, p. 269-87.
S-H Lee, G.L. Messing, E.R. Twiname, A. Mohanram, C.A. Randall, D.J. Green, “Co-sintering of Multilayer Ceramics,” Euro Ceramics VII Pt. 1, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, p.257-60, Key Engineering Materials Vol. 206-13, European Ceramic Society, 2002.
M.G. Gifford, E.R. Twiname, and R.E. Mistler, “Analysis of Thickness Control Variables in Tape Casting, Part II: The Effect of Blade Gap,” in Colloidal Ceramic Processing of Nano-, Micro-, and Macro- articulate Systems, W.H. Shih, et al., eds., Ceramic Transactions, Vol. 152, The American Ceramic Society, 2004, pp. 139 – 146.
R.E. Mistler, “Tape Casting: An Enabling Ceramic Fabrication Technology,” Seminar presented at Tianjin University, Tianjin, P.R. China, May 10, 2005.
R.E. Mistler, “Tape Casting: An Enabling Ceramic Fabrication Technology,” Seminar presented at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, P.R. China, May 12, 2005.
R.E. Mistler, “Solid Freeform Fabrication,” Seminar presented at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, P.R.China, May 12, 2005.
R.E. Mistler, “Tape Casting: An Enabling Ceramic Fabrication Technology,” Seminar presented at Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, P.R. China, May 16, 2005.
R.E. Mistler, A.T. Muccigrosso and G.L. Ploetz,”Correlations Between Sieve Analyses, Surface Areas and Shape Factors of Ceramic Particles,” 63rd Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Toronto, Canada, Paper 5-M-61, April, 1961.
R.E. Mistler, “Tape Casting: An Enabling Ceramic Fabrication Technology,” Invited Seminar at Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, PRC, September 28, 2004.
R.E. Mistler, A.T. Muccigrosso and F.W. Wiesinger, “Crushing Strength of Rounded Ceramic Particles,” 64th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, New York, Paper 18-5S-62, May, 1962.
R.E. Mistler, G.L. Ploetz and J.A. Smith, “Thermal Expansion of Polycrystalline Lanthanum Sesqioxide and Neodymium Sesquioxide,” 65th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Pittsburgh, Paper 47-B-63, May 1963.
R.E. Mistler and R.L. Coble, “Secondary Grain Growth in Aluminum Oxide,” 70th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Chicago, Paper 33-B-68, April,1968.
R.M. Spriggs, H.W. Stetson, R.E. Mistler and P.A. Dalton, “Intermediate Stage Sintering Kinetics of a Non-Ideal Aluminum Oxide Powder,” Fall Meeting of the Basic Science Div., American Ceramic Society, St.Paul, Paper 6-BE-68F,September,1968.
R.E. Mistler and R.L. Coble, “Grain Boundaries and Boundary Diffusion in Aluminum Oxide,” Fall Meeting of the Basic Science Div., American Ceramic Society, Ottawa, Canada, Paper 5-B-69-F, September,1969.
R.E. Mistler, “High Strength Alumina Substrates Produced by a Multiple Layer Casting Technique,”23rd Pacific Coast Regional Meeting, American Ceramic Society, San Francisco, Paper 25-E-70F, October,1970.
R.E. Mistler, “The Evolution of a Ceramic Substrate, “Seminar at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, April, 1971.
R.E. Mistler, D.J. Shanefield and R.B. Runk, “The Tape Casting of Ceramics, “Tenth University Conference on Ceramics Science, University of Florida, Gainesville,Florida,January 29,1975
G.L. Ploetz, A.T. Muccigrosso and R.E. Mistler, “Ceramic Materials for Nuclear Power Applications,” AIME Meeting, St. Louis, February, 1961.
A.T. Muccigrosso, J.R. Fascia, G.L. Ploetz and R.E. Mistler, “Mercury Pycnometer for Particle Densities,” 63rd Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society,Toronto,Canada,Paper 6-M-61, April,1961.
G.L. Ploetz, R.E. Mistler and A.T. Muccigrosso, “A Note on the Theoretical X-Ray Density of 93% Enriched UO2” Meeting on the Characterization of Uranium Dioxide, Oak Ridge, December,1961.
H.W. Stetson and R.E. Mistler, “Microstructure of Two Microinch ‘Center Line Average’ As-Fired Alumina Substrates,” 21st Pacific Coast Regional Meeting, American Ceramic Society, Pasadena, October, 1968.
R.F. Gruszka, R.E. Mistler and R.B. Runk, “Strengthening of High Alumina Substrates,”72nd Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Philadelphia, Paper 9-E-70, May, 1970.
D.J. Shanefield and R.E. Mistler, “Fine-Grained Alumina Substrates for Thin Film Microcircuits,” 139th National Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Washington, Paper No.3, May, 1971.
N.E. Leaver and R.E. Mistler, “A Gas-Fired Roller Hearth Kiln for Fast Firing High Alumina Substrates,” Fall Meeting of the Materials and Equipment Div., American Ceramic Society, Bedford, Pa., Paper 9-MW-71F, October, 1971
D.J. Shanefield and R.E. Mistler, “Manufacturing Process for Fine Grain Alumina Substrates,” 75th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Cincinnati, Paper 37-E-73, May, 1973.
R.E. Mistler and D.J. Shanefield, “Coprecipitated Manganese-Zinc Ferrite Powders,”80th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Detroit, May, 1978.
D.J. Shanefield and R.E. Mistler, “Washing Ceramic Powders to remove Sodium Salts,” 80th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Detroit ,May, 1978.
R.E. Mistler and D.J. Shanefield, “The Characterization of Unfired Tape Cast Ceramics, “1979 Electronics Division Fall Meeting, American Ceramic Society, Williamsburg, Virginia, September, 1979.
R.E. Mistler, “Tape Casting Ceramics,” Society of Manufacturing Engineers Clinic, Manufacturing with Ceramic Powder, Philadelphia, February, 1980.
R.E. Mistler, “Deflocculants for the Production of Alumina Thick and Thin Film Substrates,” 7th Annual Northern Ohio Section Symposium – Alumina, Cleveland, Ohio, March 14, 1980.
C.R. Steuernagel and R.E. Mistler, “Microcrystalline Cellulose Binders and Lubricants for the Extrusion of High Alumina Ceramics,” 82nd Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Chicago, April, 1980.
R.E. Mistler, “Packaging for Semiconductors,” Graduate Seminar at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, May 8, 1980.
R.E. Mistler, “Electronic Ceramics, “Seminar at The Center for Professional Advancement, East Brunswick, New Jersey, December 4, 1980.
R.E. Mistler and M. Rupell, “Thermal Dissipation and Dielectric Breakdown Strength as a Function of Base Substrate Material and Enamel Thickness of Porcelain Enamel Substrates,” 83rd Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Washington, May 5, 1981.
R.E. Mistler and L.D. Jones, “Microcrystalline Cellulose Additives in Ceramic Glazes for Electrical Insulators,” 83rd Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Washington, May 5, 1981.
R.E. Mistler, “Porcelain Enameled Substrates for Electronic Applications,” Summer Meeting of the Ceramic Association of New Jersey, Harmony, New Jersey, June 26, 1981.
R.E. Mistler and G.A. Hauser, “Porcelain Enameled Substrates: Dielectric Strength and Design Criteria,” Electronics Division of the American Ceramic Society Fall Meeting, Cambridge, Massachusetts, September 13, 1982.
R.E. Mistler, “Packaging For Semiconductors,” Graduate Seminar at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, February 9, 1983.
H.W. Stetson, R.E. Mistler and W.J. Gyurk, “A Theoretical Discussion of Surface Finish of Ceramic Substrates,” Annual Meeting International Society for Hybrid Microelectronics, Philadelphia, November 1, 1983.
R.E. Mistler, “Metallization of Tape Cast Ceramics,” Engineering Foundation Conference of Applications of Ceramics for Microelectronic Interconnections, Santa Barbara, California, March 18, 1986.
R.E. Mistler, “Tape Casting-Basic Process for Two – One Billion Dollar Businesses,” Philadelphia Section of The American Ceramic Society, Fort Washington, Pennsylvania, November 17, 1986.
R.E. Mistler, “Metallization of Tape Cast Ceramics,” Trenton Section of The American Ceramic Society, Princeton, New Jersey, March 26, 1987.
R.E. Mistler, “Tape Casting-Basic Process for Two – One Billion Dollar Businesses,” Baltimore-Washington Section of The American Ceramic Society, Bethesda, Maryland, September 27, 1988.
R.E. Mistler, D.P. Bhasin and T.E. Boland, “QPAC 40 as a Tape Casting Binder,”41st Pacific Coast Regional Meeting of The American Ceramic Society, San Francisco, California, October 24, 1988.
R.E. Mistler, “Tape Casting-Basic Process for Two – One Billion Dollar Businesses,” Northern Ohio Section 16th Annual Symposium, American Ceramic Society, Warrensville, Ohio, March 31, 1989.
R.E. Mistler, “Tape Casting as a Ceramic Fabrication Process,” Symposium on Tape Casting of Advanced Ceramics, Senter For Industriforskning, Oslo, Norway, April 15, 1991.
R.E. Mistler, “The Principles of Tape Casting and Tape Casting Applications,” NKV – Summerschool, Netherlands Ceramic Society, Petten, the Netherlands, September 9, 1991.
E.R. Twiname and R.E. Mistler, “Comparison of Aqueous and Non-Aqueous Tape Cast Nickel Electrodes for Use in Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells,” 96th Annual Meeting of The American Ceramic Society, Indianapolis, IN, April 25, 1994.
E.M. Anderson and R.E. Mistler, “Tape Casting Reactive Aluminas,”96th Annual Meeting of The American Ceramic Society, Indianapolis, IN, April 25, 1994.
R.E. Mistler and S.L. Masia, “Coated Paper For Use As A Casting Surface in Tape Processing,” International Symposium on Manufacturing Practices and Technologies, The American Ceramic Society, New Orleans, LA, November 7, 1995.
E.R. Twiname, X. Tang, and S.A. Ibbitson, “Water Based Tape Casting: Scale Up To Manufacturing,”1996 Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Indianapolis, IN, April 16, 1996.
E.R. Twiname, R.E. Mistler, “Aqueous Tapecasting as a Viable Alternative to Organic Solvents,” 52nd Annual Ceramic Forum – Technologies for Meeting Regulatory Requirements, The Pennsylvania Ceramics Association, September 12, 1997
E.R. Twiname, R.E. Mistler, “Green Ceramic Tape as a Raw Material”, International Symposium on Microelectronics, ISHM/IMAPS/ACERS Electronics Division 1997 Fall Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, October 15, 1997.
E.R. Twiname, “Aqueous Tape Casting as an Alternative to Organic Processing,” Philadelphia Section of The American Ceramic Society, Exton, Philadelphia, PA, October 20, 1997.
R.E. Mistler, V.A. Sikka, C.R. Scorey, M.R. Hajaligol, “Tape Casting as a Fabrication Process for Iron Aluminide Strip,” International Symposium on Iron Aluminides, San Antonio, TX February 18, 1998.
R.E. Mistler, “Tape Casting: A Historical Review, Current Status and Potential for the Future,” 1998 Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Cincinnati, OH May 3-6, 1998.
E.R. Twiname, R.E. Mistler, “Tape Casting: A Historical Review, Current Status and Potential for the Future,” ISHM/IMAPS Keystone Section Spring Meeting, Allentown, PA May 13, 1998.
R.E. Mistler, E.R. Twiname, “Two Stage Preparation of Tape Casting Slips,” 1999 Aunnual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Indianapolis, IN, April 28, 1999.
E.R. Twiname, R.E. Mistler, “Physics of Fluid Flow Under a Doctor Blade,”1999 Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Indianapolis, IN April 28, 1999.
R.E. Mistler, “Tape Forming,” Invited Seminar at the Metallurgy and Materials Science Research Institute at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, March 1, 2001
R.B. Cooley, E.R. Twiname, R.E. Mistler, “Analysis of Thickness Control Variables in Tape Casting,” 2002 Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, St. Louis, MO, April 30, 2002.
R.E. Mistler, “Tape Casting: An Enabling Ceramic Fabrication Technology,” Materials Science and Technology in Engineering Conference, Hong Kong, PRC, January 17, 2003.
M.G. Gifford, E.R. Twiname, R.E. Mistler, “Analysis of Thickness Control Variables in Tape Casting, Part II: The Effect of Blade Gap,” 2003 Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Nashville, TN, April 29, 2003.
R.E. Mistler, E.R. Twiname, “Low Temperature Co-Fired Ceramics for Electronics,” 2003 Meeting of the Chinese Ceramic Society, Taipei, Taiwan, November 14, 2003.
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